Thank you for taking the time to look at out site. We hope you will like what you see and decide to register with us.

On the behalf of myself and the other members I welcome you to join in the conversation and be part of the development of what will surely become a wonderful site!

The Game

The site we are creating will be a forum based, semi-realistic wolf roleplay. The term "semi" is used because for the most part, it will be realistic. No one with have wings, and magic is not allowed. However, certain points such as pack structure, eye color, and some variation in fur colors will be allowed. Hosted on a private server with it's own domain name it stands out from the rest as a stable roleplay that will not be dead in 6 months.

The Plan

It takes a lot to create a site like this so we need everyones help. On this forum everything regarding the site will be decided on. We need a name, locations, packs and generally how the plot will be run. If you are interested I encourage you to poke around the forum and give us some feedback. Once the site goes live, the majority of staff positions (moderators, coders, etc) will be choosen from this discussion base.